Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dr. Seuss :)

       At school this week, we are hosting our annual Literacy Night and Fall Festival. Our inspiration this year is The Lorax! {love it} Not only that, but in Journey's this week we are reading about Dr. Seuss- how perfect :) Therefore, my only choice for weekly theme was all things Dr. Seuss! Now, I wanted to be sure I didn't take all the Seussical fun out of Dr. Seuss' birthday in March, so I am limiting myself to only 3 stories this week... The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and of course, The Lorax. We will also be watching the newest The Lorax movie! In March, to celebrate his birthday, I plan to revisit The Cat in the Hat and then read The Cat in the Hat Comes Back and extend them with a venn diagram comparing/contrasting the two stories. I will also use Horton Hatches the Egg {and show the movie of course!} and the many other silly stories that Dr. Seuss published!

       Now, I usually go searching the seas of pinterest, my favorite teacher blogs, and Pinterest for activities and ideas to use with each unit I plan, BUT, it is my goal to become a CREATIONARY force in this digital world of teaching that I love and emulate the wonderfully comprehensive theme packs that some of my favorite sellers create and publish. However, I haven't quite managed the balancing act of creating/teaching/mothering/etc. to be able to really go all out just yet. I have quite a few random things I have made here and there that are in need of being put together. So, although I plan to create additional activities...HERE it is!... my FIRST official post of something of my own design! {YAY} It is a pack of graphic organizers and writing prompts that I plan to use with our Dr. Seuss unit this week. Please leave me feedback/ideas/revisions that you feel could make this product better! I am still learning all the ins and outs so go easy on me :D
Here are a few samples from the pack {there are 7 included in the download}

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your blog designs! It is adorable! Dr. Seuss is so much fun, I miss teaching about him! Keep up the hard work! :)
